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Elevate is a 21 day exercise and healthy eating program, designed to help you feel energised, refocused and full of vitality.

There’s no strict dieting here, it’s about choosing healthy, nutritious foods, understanding what portions we need and a program of regular exercise that will help you build and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Elevate can be used to help with weight loss, or if you just want to feel fitter and healthier - it’s up to you!

To help you stay on track, you can join the Elevate Private Facebook group and each week there will be a new talk added on topics including; Nutrition for Health, Balanced exercise , Sleep, relaxation & Hydration.

So, to begin your Elevate journey;

  1. Watch the introduction video

  2. Set your intentions and goals for the 21 days

  3. Download or screenshot the Shopping list, Portion sizes & optional weight loss formula

  4. Use the recipe cards for inspiration

  5. Plan your exercise for the next 7 days

  6. Join the Elevate Private Facebook group (optional)

If you haven’t already, please complete an Enrollment form before commencing any classes

Week 1

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HEaltHy Shopping list

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Healthy Eating tips

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Portion size info

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Recipe Ideas

Healthy, low calorie options for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Week 2